Guides Diagnostics Analytics
Bring your product guide to life through our augmented reality visor.

ArVisor is a cloud-based service that utilizes Augmented Reality technology, allowing users to experience user-manuals, support or diagnostics in real world, while handling machines or new appliances.
Enterprises and Vendors can use ArVisor to create, distribute and maintain AR guides for their equipment and products.
First-line workers or customers get easy access to AR guides from their mobile devices, with cutting-edge AR experience.
Use ArVsior Studio to create and distribute guides and link them with products and users.
Mapper mobile app helps product owners associate guide steps with specific points on the product.
Use ArVsior mobile app to get guides and assistance while using new product.
Make guides easier to understand and make onboarding time significantly shorter
Achieve better experience and learning quality with Augmented Reality technology
Make changes and publish new versions in an instant
Web and Mobile based – no expensive hardware
SaaS – no infrastructure required
Easy to understand
AR learning experience
Instant updates
Web&Mobile based
SaaS technology
Awesome7 experts will help you create and integrate innovative solutions, built with cutting-edge technologies.
As experts in AI and AR we can create the new reality. It doesn't matter what kind of reality you have as long as they work together.
You don't need expensive devices to create an interactive and unique experience for your users. We are creating a new reality, on your app, by adding digital elements in a real-world environment.
Enterprise business solutions
Augmented reality
Artificial intelligence
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